GreenlightGO is proud to announce MEDIAPRO, one of the planet’s leading broadcast groups, as a prized partner in serving clients stunning, versatile production facilities and services.
Already this partnership brings two exceptional spaces to the GreenlightGO roster: One in the Brooklyn Navy Yard and another in west Miami.
Let’s start with NYC. Hello, Brooklyn! Prime Production in the Navy Yard offers tip-to-tail services and turn-key production, all nestled in a spacious facility with incredible views of Manhattan.
And if your needs run a little more southerly, look no further than this 57,000+ square-foot behemoth, featuring purpose-built soundstages, private offices, green rooms and wardrobe space. This vast, adaptable facility can accommodate just about any storyteller.
While 1300 miles apart, these two campuses are closely linked in one important way — either can offer you an end-to-end production services solution.
“MEDIAPRO is excited to support producers with creativity and technical solutions necessary to design, produce and distribute audiovisual and multi-channel projects via the GreenlightGO platform.” – Mario Sousa, Mediapro US, Head of Sales & Marketing
Reach out to learn more about these state-of-the-art offerings by GreenlightGO, in partnership with MEDIAPRO.